Saturday, March 29, 2008

Good Morning Everyone and Welcome to the Saturday Morning Chat Group!

Good Morning Everyone! I tell you , I have been battling with insomnia this week. I usually sleep like a rock, but lately I've been waking up in the middle of the night and then spend hours tossing and turning before I get back to sleep again. I'm not liking it.

Some important announcements:

Crystal who is in Malawi Africa to bring home Savannah Hope needs your prayers and support. There are some issues with her paperwork and she cannot come back to the US until they are resolved. I have heard that it could take up to a month for resolution, so please pray for a miracle here so that she return quickly to her children and husband with Savannah. Crystal's blog is 'Johnson Angels'.

Robin at 'Red Thread Stitches' is almost to the point of giving away another handmade quilt, so if you want to donate $1 to get your name into the drawing, you should get over to her blog quickly!

Thank you so much for your prayers and support for my Grandmother. Yesterday they put some type of a camera through her nose and into her lung. They were able to see the mass and remove a part of it to be analyzed. Please pray that there is no cancer.

Lastly, Tim and I are going to try to get at least 3 of the remaining Starfish boxes shipped out today. I don't think we have enough funds to send out the 4th box. I know that you all have given so much, but if anyone hasn't donated yet and would like to help, please make a donation to the Chip In postage fund.

Friday, March 28, 2008

The Saturday Morning Chat Group....Our View...

I am sure that most of you know about the Saturday Morning Chat Group, but if you don't, please take this post as an invitation to join us tomorrow morning from 8am to 12 noon.
The closest thing I can relate it to is the television show The View. There are many women who come each week and we talk about current events, what's happening with China adoption and what's happening in our lives. Some Saturdays are a little crowded and it seems a little crazy and others are more quiet and you can talk more one on one.
But if you are wanting to meet some more of the ladies in blogland or if you have questions about something with your adoption or your life, drop in and join us! Maybe I should start inviting special guests.

Mr. Brian, Michael and K1's friend are also welcome and any other gentlemen who wish to join in!

Thursday, March 27, 2008


Today is the first morning that I have heard birds outside of my window. I had to open it up and let some cold air in to hear them for certain, but it was worth it. Regardless of the weather, I am declaring it Spring for me. I need it in my soul. This has been a long tough winter and I'm over it. I cleaned up my front porch yesterday. The snow that came 2 days ago is almost gone. The lake has really started to thaw. The sun is now up when I leave for work and it is still up when I come home. I can't tell you how much that really brightens my spirits.
Welcome Spring! I think I'm going to get a Springy skirt out to wear today and maybe some pumps that let my toes show. : )

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Quote for the Week...And A Question...

This is something that I am struggling with right now. I easily forgive most things, but when someone is repeatedly cruel and hurtful it is hard for me to keep forgiving over and over. There is someone in my life who is very hurtful, who is destructive to my family. Someone who shows little regard for our children or us. I am struggling to forgive them over and over for the awful things they say and do. It has been a constant struggle for years. I forgive and try to start over only to be absolutely crushed over and over. I know that God wants me to keep forgiving them. I think that I can do that, but I also think it is not healthy to maintain a relationship with them. Is it ok to forgive this person for all they have done, but to stay away from them so that it stops or at least isn't so visible to me or my family? Is it ok if it is someone in your own family?

Monday, March 24, 2008

Thank You Secret Buddy!

A very special Thank You to my Secret Buddy. I just love the little easter bunny that you sent, but what really is meaningful to me is the small cross. Each of my children has a small cross over the doorway to their bedroom, except for Zach who has his over his bed. This little cross will be Sophia's and I will place it over her doorway tonight. It will hang there as long as she is a child in this house.
I read on our Yahoo Group messages that next month is our last month and that we are to reveal ourselves. I want you to know how sad this makes me. You have been such an amazing person and I have really looked forward to your gifts each month. I voted yes for a new group to be formed, but I know that I will never get another person like you, it just isn't possible.
I will miss you so much as my secret buddy, but I look forward to knowing who you are and being able to get to know you.

Please Pray for my Grandmother...

Please pray for my Grandma Peggy. I received a phone call this weekend from my Aunt telling me that doctors found some type of a growth about one inch in diameter in my Grandmother's lung. I spoke with my Grandmother yesterday and she is doing her best to stay strong and positive but I can tell that she is afraid. We all are afraid. Hopefully we will know more by the end of the week. Thank you for your prayers, I know that they will help.

Sunday, March 23, 2008